Hampshire vs. St. Joseph's (VT)
(10/17/2015 at Rutland, VT)
Hampshire () vs.
St. Joseph's (VT) ()
Goals by period 1 2 Tot
Hampshire College... 0 1 - 1
College of St. Joseph's -Vermont 3 6 - 9
Hampshire College
# Player POS SH SOG G A
1 Peter Thomsen....... - - - -
6 Zachary Brown....... - - - -
7 Rahim Hirani........ - - - -
8 Harry Levenson...... * - - - -
9 Avery Hernandez..... - - - -
10 Maorr Zadok......... - - - -
11 Steven Taylor....... * - - - -
12 Samy Schrade........ - - - -
13 Mouhamadou Diagne... * 1 1 - -
14 Jiadong Yang........ - - - -
15 Chris Mahar......... * 1 1 1 -
16 Raymond Huo......... * 1 - - -
17 Justin Emmanuel..... * 1 - - -
18 Reid Temple......... * 1 - - -
19 Cray Novick......... - - - -
20 William Herne....... * - - - -
21 Nathan Schmidt...... - - - -
22 Kyawsoe Lama........ * - - - -
23 Ryan Ellerby........ * - - - -
25 Storrs Bishop....... * - - - -
TM Team................ - - - -
  Totals.............. 8 2 1 0
College of St. Joseph's -Vermont
# Player POS SH SOG G A
00 Kyle Milligan....... 1 1 1 -
1 Julio Garcia........ * gk - - - -
2 Willian Lima........ * rb - - - 2
3 Dominick Simpson.... * f 5 5 5 -
4 Helder Andrade...... * rb/l - - - -
5 Hericles Tavares.... - - - -
7 Itamar Mane......... - - - -
9 Christopher Turco... * lb/l - - - -
10 Patrick Dias........ * f - - - -
11 Edson Ferrer........ * md - - - 1
12 Sergio Lopes........ * md - - - -
16 Brian Nation........ 1 1 1 -
17 Keven Andrade....... * md - - - -
18 Amani Francois...... * db - - - -
19 Alex Andrade........ * md - - - -
22 Rosyvelt Baessa..... 1 1 1 -
TM Team................ - - 1 -
  Totals.............. 15 8 9 3
Hampshire College
# Player SOG GA Saves Min
25 Storrs Bishop....... * 18 9 9 90:00
College of St. Joseph's -Vermont
# Player SOG GA Saves Min
1 Julio Garcia........ * 3 1 2 90:00
Shots by period 1 2 Tot
Hampshire College... 5 3 - 8
College of St. Joseph's -Vermont 8 7 - 15
Saves by period 1 2 Tot
Hampshire College... 4 5 - 9
College of St. Joseph's -Vermont 2 1 - 3
Corner Kicks 1 2 Tot
Hampshire College... 0 0 - 0
College of St. Joseph's -Vermont 0 0 - 0
Fouls 1 2 Tot
Hampshire College... 0 0 - 0
College of St. Joseph's -Vermont 0 0 - 0
GOAL Time/Team Goal Scorer Assists Description
1. 29:00 - SJ( Dominick Simpson unassisted 8 yard shot
2. 31:00 - SJ( Dominick Simpson unassisted Goal off steal
3. 36:00 - SJ( Kyle Milligan unassisted Off deflection
4. 48:00 - SJ( Rosyvelt Baessa Edson Ferrer Through ball
5. 52:00 - H Chris Mahar unassisted 18 yard chip
6. 56:00 - SJ( Dominick Simpson unassisted Stolen goal kick
7. 62:00 - SJ( Team unassisted Own goal
8. 65:00 - SJ( Dominick Simpson Willian Lima Cross pass goal
9. 75:00 - SJ( Dominick Simpson Willian Lima Cross pass goal
10. 89:00 - SJ( Brian Nation unassisted 15 yard blast
(no penalties)
Win-Julio Garcia. Loss-Storrs Bishop
Game Length: 2:00; Attendance: 67
Officials: Scorer: Ray Fish;