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USCAA Women's Basketball Recruit Profile

Personal Infomation

Who is completing this form? *
Preferred Method of Contact *
Living Arrangements *
Campus Location Preference *
Regional Preference *

Academic Information

Transfer students only
Are you interested in attending a college/university with a religious affiliation? *

Athletic Information

Position(s) Played *
Select all that apply
Primary Position(s) *
Please select the two positions you play most often
List positions and years played at each
Have you already committed to a college/university? *


Please provide name and contact information
Please provide: Club name, Coach name and contact information
Please provide: Institution name, Coach name and contact information
All information must be available via link, the form does not support file uploads
Personal Statement, Career Interests, Volunteerism, Etc.
Do you want a FREE NCSA recruiting profile to help with exposure to over 35,000 college coaches? *
* required field