Benjamin Nichols #20 G Mid-Atlantic Christian University

gp 1
gs 1
min 90:00
ga 9
gaa 9.00
sv 19
Recent Games
Sep 5 Central Penn L, 9-0
Sep 12 Christendom College L, 12-0
Sep 18 at Williamson College of the Trades
Sep 26 at Christendom College
Oct 3 Johnson & Wales University Charlotte L, 9-0
Statistics category Overall Conf
Games played 1 101st 1 53rd
Games started 1 81st 1 44th
Minutes 90:00 98th 90:00 57th
Goals against 9 9th 9 27th
Goals-against average 9.00 64th 9.00 48th
Saves 19 77th 19 31st
Save pct .679 47th .679 33rd
Wins 0 74th 0 47th
Losses 1 1165th 1 810th
Ties 0 1st 0 1st
Shutouts 0/0 890th 0/0 881st
Date Opponent Score Dec gs min ga gaa sv sv%
Sep 5 Central Penn L, 9-0 L 1 90:00 9 9.00 19 .679
Sep 12 Christendom College L, 12-0 - - 0:00 - - - -
Sep 18 at Williamson College of the Trades   - - - - - - -
Sep 26 at Christendom College   - - - - - - -
Oct 3 Johnson & Wales University Charlotte L, 9-0 - - - - - - -
Oct 10 at Johnson & Wales University Charlotte   - - - - - - -
Oct 23 at Laurel University   - - - - - - -
Oct 24 at Appalachian Bible College   - - - - - - -
  gp gs min/g ga/g gaa sv/g sv%
2015-16 1 1 45:00 4.50 9.00 9.50 .679
2017-18 - - 0:00 - - - -
Total 1 1 18:00 1.80 9.00 3.80 .679
  gp gs min ga gaa sv sv% wins losses ties shutouts
2015-16 1 1 90:00 9 9.00 19 .679 0 1 0 0/0
2017-18 - - 0:00 - - - - 0 0 0 0/0
Total 1 1 90:00 9 9.00 19 .679 0 1 0 0/0
  gp gs min/g ga/g gaa sv/g sv%
Total 1 1 45:00 4.50 9.00 9.50 .679
Conference 1 1 45:00 4.50 9.00 9.50 .679
Exhibition - - 0:00 - - - -
Home 1 1 45:00 4.50 9.00 9.50 .679
Away - - 0:00 - - - -
Neutral - - 0:00 - - - -
Wins - - 0:00 - - - -
Losses 1 1 45:00 4.50 9.00 9.50 .679
September 1 1 45:00 4.50 9.00 9.50 .679
  gp gs min ga gaa sv sv% wins losses ties shutouts
Total 1 1 90:00 9 9.00 19 .679 0 1 0 0/0
Conference 1 1 90:00 9 9.00 19 .679 0 1 0 0/0
Exhibition - - 0:00 - - - - - - - 0/0
Home 1 1 90:00 9 9.00 19 .679 0 1 0 0/0
Away - - 0:00 - - - - - - - 0/0
Neutral - - 0:00 - - - - - - - 0/0
Wins - - 0:00 - - - - - - - 0/0
Losses 1 1 90:00 9 9.00 19 .679 0 1 0 0/0
September 1 1 90:00 9 9.00 19 .679 0 1 0 0/0