USCAA COVID-19 Updates
Latest Updates from the USCAA National Office
April 7, 2021: USCAA National Championships Updated Protocols (email sent to member institutions)
March 29, 2021: Important USCAA Announcements | Spring Championships Updates (email sent to member institutions)
March 1, 2021: Important Memo Regarding Board of Directors February Meeting & Event Decisions (email sent to athletic direcctor at member institutions)
January 26th, 2021: Important Memo Regarding Board of Directors January Meeting & Event Decisions (email sent to the athletic director at member institutions)
January 12th, 2021: USCAA Important Memo Regarding National Convention (email sent to the athletic director at member institutions)
December 16th, 2020: USCAA Decision on Basketball, Soccer, and Volleyball National Championships (email sent to the athletic director at member institutions)
August 7th, 2020: USCAA Board of Directors Makes Decision on Season of Competition (email sent to the athletic director at member institutions)
July 13th, 2020: USCAA Fall National Championships Suspended (email sent to the athletic director at member institutions)
June 17th, 2020: USCAA Second Survey Results (email sent to the athletic director at member institutions)
May 28th, 2020: USCAA | Important Decision Regarding Fall Eligibility 2020 (email sent to the athletic director at member institutions)
May 6th, 2020: Important Message Regarding COVID and Fall Season from the CEO (email sent to membership)
March 27th, 2020: USCAA National Convention Updates (email sent to membership)
March 19th, 2020: USCAA Spring Season of Competition (email sent to the athletic director at member institutions)
March 17th, 2020: USCAA National Office COVID-19 Updates for Spring Semester
March 12th, 2020: USCAA Response to COVID-19
March 12th, 2020: USCAA Statement Regarding COVID-19
March 12th, 2020: USCAA Division I Championship Memo - Consolation Bracket (email sent to participating member institutions and cirtical personnel)
March 6th, 2020: Memo regarding the 2020 USCAA Small College National Championships (email sent to 2020 championship participating member institutions)
For more information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC's webpage.